What Sunscreen Is Best For You
Do you live an active lifestyle outside and yet want to remain fresh and glamorous at all times? Usually when you go out regularly in the sun your skin tends to catch a severe tan that seems to become permanent. The best way to escape from such regular tanning is using a sunscreen lotion that will keep you fresh and fair all the time. With beauty becoming an important part of one’s life the variety of sunscreen available in the market saves you from tanning.
Importance of sunscreen for your skin
Sunscreens are important to your skin because whenever you are exposed to sunrays the UV rays constantly tend to burn your skin thereby giving you a constant tan. Basically even at low exposure levels the UVA rays from the sun destroys your skins support structure, breaks down collagen and causes wrinkles and sagging of skin. The sunscreens save you from tanning, sagging and wrinkling of your skin. So everyone should use a sunscreen to save his or her own self.
While you use a sunscreen you should know which one is best for you. If you simply want protection from UVA and UVB rays then look for a sunscreen that will contain either of the three products like zinc oxide, avobenzene and titanium dioxide. The sunscreens are usually made to prevent suntans, sunburns and skin cancers that are caused from the UVB rays of the sun.
When you apply the sunscreen lotions, creams and liquids, they penetrate into the inner depths of the skin and protect the upper layers where actually skin cancer is formed. They also help retain the moisture in the skin and prevent severe wrinkling and sagging even at old ages.
Sunscreen that best suits your skin
The sunscreens should contain SPF factor, which determine how much protection your skin will get at a time. The more the number of SPF factor is the more protection it provides to the skin. For example SPF 15 prevents burning of skin while SPF 30 prevents aging, wrinkling and sagging of skin. However you should know which sunscreen is best for your skin:
Meroxyl rich sunscreen – protect your skin from immature wrinkles.
A+ sunscreen – an ultra protection water based sunscreen that should be applied with moisturizer and foundation if you want protection against suntans.
Body sunscreen – a long lasting lotion that prevents wrinkles, sagging and suntan in the full body.
For dry skin – use sunscreen with SPF 30 that guards skin against aging and skin cancer.
For oily skin – if you want oil free skin use noncomedogenic sunscreen with SPF 15 or even higher for better results.
Facial sunscreens – the moisturizing day care sunscreen lotions and creams with SPF 15 and 30 are best for any type of facial skin types.
You should apply the sunscreen with SPF 15 at least even if it’s a cloudy day or you are staying inside your home.
Following are the other specifications of using sunscreen lotion:
Look for the words “broad spectrum protection” in the labels.
Apply more sunscreen when you are in reflective surfaces like water, snow and ice.
Knowing the utility of the best sunscreen lotions use them to achieve maximum comfort and protection from the harmful sunrays.
What Sunscreen Is Best For You
เก่งซอย 3(ตลาดหลังการบินไทย)
Tips On Tanning and Directions For Tanning Effectively
Tips On Tanning and Directions For Tanning Effectively
Tanning is a natural response to the skin’s exposure to ultra-violet light that we easily get from sunlight. These ultraviolet rays are essential for our skin. However, excessive exposure can cause wrinkles and scars on the skin. With the relaxing and warm effect, tanning can also help in reducing stress, and help soothe muscular aches and pains.
It doesn’t matter whether you prefer natural sun tanning or indoor tanning with artificial ultraviolet rays. Following some easy directions and simple tips, you can have a wonderful experience of tanning.
Here are some general tips on sun tanning:
• Start with 5-10 minutes sessions, twice a day, and gradually increase the time.
• Avoid tanning when the sun is at its maximum strength – between 11 am to 2:30 pm.
• Apply sunscreen on your skin before you start tanning. Do not apply lotion or cream after burning a bit.
Choose your soap carefully
Clean your skin completely before tanning and for that select your soap carefully. Chemical soaps like bars or fragrant soaps can make you clean but also make your skin dry since using these chemical soaps dehydrates your skin. Use a good, gentle but effective soap like liquid soap, for it is less harsh on your skin but clean your skin effectively.
Exfoliate before you tan
To get the best results of tan, exfoliate prior to exposure. Try to remove as many dead skin cells as possible before tanning. But don’t forget to moisturize after exfoliate.
Shave prior to exposure
If you require shaving, do it before you tan because shaving acts will leave your skin fresh and smooth. The effect of tan will be best if you shave skin prior. It is also recommended that you do the shaving a few hours before tanning so that the skin gets a chance to recover.
Use sunscreen lotion and moisturizer
Using sunscreen lotion is important for tanning, as it protects your skin from direct effect of ultraviolet ray. A good moisturizer is also required for your skin for a tan. However, you have to use a high-quality sunscreen lotion and moisturizer to prevent skin damage. The lotion should also be free of fragrances and be hypoallergenically tested to ensure that you have minimum risk of being allergic to it.
Lotions, loaded with moisturizing agents can also keep your skin soft and hydrated. Many of the lotions contain bronzers that help to darken your tan.
Have a shower after tanning
Having a bath or shower after tanning is the best way to remove oils and lotions from your skin. It also helps in removing any perspiration or salts that are usually deposited on your skin. However, the shower should not be too hot and make sure you apply a good moisturizer after toweling dry.
The cardinal rule of tanning is never burn yourself. Sunburn is the enemy associated with permanent skin damage. So never burn yourself intentionally. There is a false assumption that sunburn will fade eventually into tans. But this is not correct. Sunburn is the damage on your tanned skin.
Do not tan everyday. Allow a minimum of 24 hours to pass before tanning again – indoors or outdoors. This will repair minor damage of your skin and to create melanin and a tan.
เก่งซอย 3(ตลาดหลังการบินไทย)