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Sun Tanning Tips

Every summer I just wait for the first hot day when I can lay out and start to tan all that white skin away! The truth of the matter is that the older I’ve gotten the harder it is to get a deep, dark tan that I love. Why? Because the skin collegan layer thins as we age and is less prone to tan.But that's OK. I"m not going to beat my skin to try and get darker than my skin will tan.

My sister got married last year and before I left her reception my darling dad pulled me aside and told me he had a lesion on his nose. After years of working in the blistering sun, gardening, fixing things, building things or hanging out on the beach he had developed a benign basal cell cancer on his nose. Luckily the doctors were able to cut out the cancer changing the shape of his nose forever.

How do you avoid these pit falls when tanning? Many people would say to avoid the sun altogether. Research has shown, however, that there are benefits to sun exposure. The benefits include the UVB wavelengths kick off the chemical and metabolic chain reaction that produces vitamin D, which promotes bone health. Some people also receive another benefit from letting some sun hit their skin: it helps reverse seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is usually caused by lack of sunlight. Sunlight is also linked to better moods because it releases a mood lifting chemical in your brain to help you literally cheer up!

To tan safely without burning follow these steps:

1. Start with 10 or 15 minutes of exposure to the sun and gradually increase the time as your body becomes more tanned.

2. Start with a sunscreen with an SPF factor of under 15, but no less than 8. Avoid items with titanium oxide or zinc oside. Late data shows these ingredients may cause free radical damage.

3. If you are prone to burn outside, consider a tanning salon. When properly administered, theis allows you to build a protective base tan without burning.

4. Keep skin moisturized with after-sun lotion - preferably with aloe - to make your tan last.

5. If you notice your starting to burn put on a hat, cover up, or go inside!

6. Some medications (especially acne medications) lower your resistance to sun.

7. If you are light-skinned/fair, you are more prone to sunburn than people with darker complexions so take extra precautions

Remember tanning and sunshine have their benefits but even one burn increases your risk for skin cancer so be smart about tanning and you’ll be sure to enjoy a great summer!